Happy Birthday, wanda june

By Kurt Vonnegut


Harold Ryan is a ‘man’s man’ with a beautiful young wife (his fourth), a house full of hunting trophies, and a lust for... everything. Missing for seven years, having left on a quest for diamonds in the Amazon, he returns to find a wife beset by suitors, a son he barely knows, and a world in which his violent conquering spirit no longer belongs. If indeed it ever did.

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., author of Cat’s Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five, uses the Ulysses homecoming story to take dramatic aim at America’s love affair with war and warriors. With Penelope as a former carhop, doorbells by Abercrombie and Fitch, and Jesus and Hitler playing shuffleboard in heaven, even Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus erectus and the Neanderthalers are back on Earth:
to see how it ends.

October 6 - October 28, 2012


The Ensemble

Stage Manager

Set Design
Costume Design
Sound Design
Lighting Design
Property Design

Penelope Ryan
Harold Ryan
Norbert Woodly
Loosleaf Harper
Paul Ryan
Herb Shuttle
Wanda June
Von Kongswald

Josh Cragun
Alyssa Thompson
Liz Neerland
Jeni O’Malley
Jacob M Davis
Mitchell Frazier
Jenny Moeller

Anna Sutheim
Kevin Carnahan
Jeremy S Wendt
William P Studer
Naveh Shavit-Lonstein
John T Zeiler
Adeline Wendt
Song Kim
Heidi Berg